Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Biography: Quarter 3

My biography is about James Hopwood Jeans. He was very cool, so sit back, fasten your seat belts and get ready for one wild ride!

James Jeans was born in Ormskirk, England, a small town in Lancashire near Liverpool. He was very well educated, because he went to  Merchant Taylor's School, Wilson's Crammer School, and Cambridge University. He was a professor at Cambridge and Princeton. He lectured at Oxford and worked at the Mt. Wilson Observatory. Jeans came up with a theory about all the planets forming from solar debris that was knocked off the sun during a collision. This theory is not believed by anyone anymore, though. Jeans and another scientist, Arthur Eddington, founded British cosmology. Their theory is also not believed anymore, since the Big Bang has become accepted. Jeans was also a mathematician, and he wrote many math related books. During the first decade of the twentieth century, Jeans established his reputation as a scientist in the field of relativity. In 1907, Jeans married Charlotte Mitchell, an American poet. Jeans' theory about the creation of the solar system is called the Tidal Theory. After the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925, Jeans began to see the universe as a mental construct. Jean's most critical development in astronomy, however, was the Jeans Length.  It was used, in combination with the size and density, to determine whether an interstellar cloud would be able to condense into a star or not. In 1945, he married an Australian musician, Suzanne Hock. He died on the 16th of September, 1946, at the age of 69.

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