Friday, September 3, 2010

APOD 1.1

Little Dumbbell Nebula

 When I read the text below the picture of this Astronomy Picture of the Day, it said that the Little Dumbbell Nebula, or M76, is located in the foot of Andromeda, but the nebula is in fact found in the constellation Perseus. Andromeda (the constellation) is located right next to Perseus (the constellation), but I'm still confused as to how it got mislabeled on the Nasa website. Oh well. Andromeda and Perseus were characters in the Greek story of how Perseus killed the Gorgon, Medusa. The story has been popularized by the movie Clash of the Titans. However, unlike the movie, Andromeda wasn't to be killed by the Kraken, she was to be eaten by Cetus, a giant whale or fish who lends his name to the order Cetacea, a taxonomic classification for whales and dolphins.

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